In the frame of M-LEARN4DATE dissemination activities, an Arabic paper entitled “A forward-vision for the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the treatment of dates before and after harvest: Early detection of red palm weevil, as an example” was published within the magazine “Blessed tree” specialized and internationally known by publication of original Arabic papers on date palm sector. The paper was published in volume N°16, issue N°1 of February 2024, pp 124-129.
For reading, please refer to this document. Also, the full issue can be viewed and downloaded from this link:
Our review paper: “What can artificial intelligence approaches bring to an improved and efficient harvesting and postharvest handling of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.)? A review” is now available online. Full bibliographic details are available on the website of Postharvest Biology and Technology journal (Elsevier – CiteScore: 10.9 – Impact Factor: 7):